Tag: civic engagement
Comment on the City’s Budget by June 11! Transparent budgeting and accounting starts with our voice.
The City of Sacramento is having their final hearing on their draft Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget on Tuesday, June 11. If you care about seeing funding for Strong SacTown’s goals, join us to make your comment by June 11!
Virtual Community Meeting on the City Street Design Standards Amendment!
Join Strong SacTown in having a big presence at the City of Sacramento’s Community Meeting on the Street Design Standards amendment. Share your values and goals for how the City designs its streets.
City Workshop on March 14th for Community Input on 2024/25 Budget
The City is inviting community input on their Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Budget. This is an important (and unfortunately rare) chance for regular residents to ask questions, pose challenges, and offer input and solutions about how our city uses their funds.
City Workshop on March 13th for Community Input on 2024/25 Budget
The City is inviting community input on their Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Budget. This is an important (and unfortunately rare) chance for regular residents to ask questions, pose challenges, and offer input and solutions about how our city uses their funds.
Tell City Council on Mar. 12th that we support the ATC 2023 Recommendations!
ACTION ALERT! The 2023 Active Transportation Commission Recommendations are at risk of being overlooked by our City Council! These critical recommendations for funding and improving walkability, bikeability, and safety are on the City’s Consent Calendar on Tuesday, March 12th – meaning they aren’t required to be discussed by the council. We need these recommendations to…
Community feedback requested on City’s Draft Work Zone & Event Detour Policy
The City of Sacramento is requesting your feedback! The City is updating its policy and practice for accommodating people walking and bicycling in work/construction zones and special events. Join their 1st roundtable event to provide your input.
2024 Mayoral Candidate Forum on Climate Justice on Jan. 22nd, co-sponsored by Strong SacTown!
Strong SacTown is co-sponsoring a virtual Candidate Forum on Climate Justice with Sacramento mayoral candidates on Monday, January 22nd at 7-8:30pm.
2024 Mayoral Candidate Forum on Jan. 27th presented by Sac Kids First
Sac Kids First is hosting a forum for the candidates for Mayor of Sacramento on January 27th.
Tell City Council on Nov. 28th to adopt important revisions to the 2040 General Plan!
Action Alert! Tell City Council to adopt 2 important revisions to the Draft 2040 General Plan that will enable transit-oriented development and better housing policy in Sac!
Join Civic Thread’s Rally for Safe Routes to School at the 8/22 City Council Meeting
Calling Sacramento youth & adults – Join Civic Thread’s rally for Safe Routes to School before the August 22nd City Council Meeting! Join in advocating for strong safe routes to school, environmental justice, health equity, and climate policies. Music, pizza, beverages, and resources for how to make a comment!