Tag: 2040 General Plan
Virtual Community Meeting on the City Street Design Standards Amendment!
Join Strong SacTown in having a big presence at the City of Sacramento’s Community Meeting on the Street Design Standards amendment. Share your values and goals for how the City designs its streets.
Suburbs Drive Sacramento Into Debt
We found that suburbs are a money pit and help drive Sacramento into debt. Meanwhile, zoning reform is in the air…
Tell City Council on Nov. 28th to adopt important revisions to the 2040 General Plan!
Action Alert! Tell City Council to adopt 2 important revisions to the Draft 2040 General Plan that will enable transit-oriented development and better housing policy in Sac!
Join Civic Thread’s Rally for Safe Routes to School at the 8/22 City Council Meeting
Calling Sacramento youth & adults – Join Civic Thread’s rally for Safe Routes to School before the August 22nd City Council Meeting! Join in advocating for strong safe routes to school, environmental justice, health equity, and climate policies. Music, pizza, beverages, and resources for how to make a comment!
Give a public comment on the 2040 GP and CAAP at City Council on August 8 & 22
The 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan are due on August 23rd! The Sacramento City Council will be hearing public comments on both at their council meeting on Tuesdays August 8 and August 22. Please join Strong SacTown and attend to give your comment!
Conversation with a City Planner: Mobility & Active Transportation in the Draft 2040 General Plan
Talk with a Sacramento City Planner about Mobility & Active Transportation on Monday August 21st at 4:30 PM in Midtown!
Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 3
See our Instagram post here! The draft 2040 general plan contains Sacramento’s current state-of-the-art in urban planning and transit-oriented development guidelines. More ambitious than any past general plan, this new plan gives me hope that we can recover long-forgotten methods of building sustainable, walkable, and strong communities which leverage transit as a wealth multiplier. The…
Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 2
See our Instagram post here! Imagine a morning in the life of a 1930s Sacramento resident. Your journey begins outside your home on 25th and F where the ground floor is also home to a cafe with your favorite creamed chipped beef on toast, what a delectable indulgence. It’s a bit expensive, so you grab…
Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 1
See our Instagram post here! “This morning I took public transit from my apartment in Alkali Flat to American River College. I usually swing by G Street Cafe for breakfast on the way to the Alkali Flat station. But today is Saturday and many downtown-serving restaurants are closed on weekends, so I decided to skip…
City of Sac to present 2040 General Plan at upcoming Young Professionals in Transportation Meeting
Hear from City of Sacramento planners about the 2040 General Plan at this Young Professionals in Transportation Sacramento event on Thursday, July 27th.