Category: Archived Event
Tell City Council on Nov. 28th to adopt important revisions to the 2040 General Plan!
Action Alert! Tell City Council to adopt 2 important revisions to the Draft 2040 General Plan that will enable transit-oriented development and better housing policy in Sac!
Strong SacTown Movie Night: Urbanized!
Come join our first ever movie night! We’ll be watching Urbanized, a 2011 documentary about how cities are designed.
November Monthly Meeting
Our November monthly meeting will be on Thursday, November 2, at 6PM at Old Soul at the Weatherstone (812 21st Street). We’ve got a speaker from House Sacramento who will be excited to speak with us about their work! First time coming out to a Strong SacTown meeting? We show up 30 minutes early to…
October Monthly Meeting
Our next monthly meeting is Thursday, October 5th @6PM at Old Soul at the Weatherstone, 812 21s St, on the outdoor patio.
September Monthly Meeting
Our next monthly meeting is Thursday, September 7th, at 6PM at Old Soul at the Weatherstone (812 21st St) out on the patio.
Join Civic Thread’s Rally for Safe Routes to School at the 8/22 City Council Meeting
Calling Sacramento youth & adults – Join Civic Thread’s rally for Safe Routes to School before the August 22nd City Council Meeting! Join in advocating for strong safe routes to school, environmental justice, health equity, and climate policies. Music, pizza, beverages, and resources for how to make a comment!
Give a public comment on the 2040 GP and CAAP at City Council on August 8 & 22
The 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan are due on August 23rd! The Sacramento City Council will be hearing public comments on both at their council meeting on Tuesdays August 8 and August 22. Please join Strong SacTown and attend to give your comment!
Conversation with a City Planner: Mobility & Active Transportation in the Draft 2040 General Plan
Talk with a Sacramento City Planner about Mobility & Active Transportation on Monday August 21st at 4:30 PM in Midtown!
SABA August Social Ride
We’ll be riding with Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates on their monthly social ride on Sunday, August 20th! Meet at 9am at Roots Coffee on 5th & J St.
Streets for People Community Walking Workshops – City of Sacramento Active Transportation Plan
Do you have thoughts on how to make walking, biking, or rolling in the City of Sacramento better? Join the City of Sacramento’s upcoming walking workshop series! This is an opportunity to walk or roll the streets in your neighborhood, provide real-time feedback, exercise, and get to know your neighbors! Workshops on 8/18, 8/19, 8/30,…