Category: Archived Event
Tabling at the Annual Historic Home Tour in Boulevard Park
The Preservation Sacramento Annual Home Tour is the largest and longest running home tour in Sacramento. Strong SacTown will be tabling at the fair to talk about the connections between historic preservation, infill development, and people-centered street design!
The Next Smallest Step – Clean Air Day Event in Tallac Village
Join us for a neighborhood outreach event in South Sacramento for Clean Air Day to show how we can clear the air by reclaiming streets from vehicle traffic for people walking, rolling, and biking!
September 2024 Monthly Meeting
Our September monthly meeting will hear from Strong SacTown member Steve Schweigerdt with Sac Valley Conservancy on the importance of preserving open space. We will also have breakouts to plan our 2 big events this month and to learn how to talk to your elected officials!
Escaping the Housing Trap Book Club, Part 2
Join us in reading the latest Strong Towns book, Escaping the Housing Trap, and let’s discuss the Strong Towns approach to housing development and how we can work to heal our housing market.
Strong SacTown August Member Mingle!
Join Strong SacTown on this summer evening for a casual kickback!
Strong Towns 101 – Part 2!
Strong SacTown is holding a second Strong Towns 101 event – open for anyone who wants to learn the basics of the Strong Towns approach and how we approach making Sacramento more financially and socially resilient. Part 1 attendance not required!
Escaping the Housing Trap Book Club
Join us in reading the latest Strong Towns book, Escaping the Housing Trap, and let’s discuss the Strong Towns approach to housing development and how we can work to heal our housing market.
Strong SacTown July Member Mingle
Join Strong SacTown on this summer evening for a casual kickback!
August 2024 Monthly Meeting
Our August monthly meeting will hear from 2 speakers on the City of Sacramento’s Streets for People plan and on a draft ballot measure to provide county-wide funding for transit and more.
Strong SacTown goes to see the River Cats! ⚾
Strong SacTown is having a fun sports night and attending the River Cats baseball game!