Author: Alyssa Lee
August Monthly Meeting
Our August 2023 monthly meeting will be on Thursday, August 3rd from 6-7 PM at Old Soul at the Weatherstone. We’re excited to learn more about the 2040 General Plan from Long Range Planning City staff, addressing the questions you asked, and they’ll hold a brief Q&A afterwards. Afterwards, we’ll hear from a couple members…
The Intersection in Front of My Kids’ School Was a Tragedy Waiting To Happen. Then It Did.
In January 2022, a tragic event directly in front of my children’s elementary school incited a deep resolve within me and many others in my community. A mother, awaiting her daughter, was killed while standing on the curb…
We need you to comment on the 2040 General Plan and the Climate Action & Adaptation Plan!
Sacramento City creates a new General Plan every 5 years that sets the direction for the city regarding all aspects of city life including: housing, transportation, air quality, urban forestry, infrastructure, and more. Related, but a separate document, the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan is the city’s blueprint for tackling climate change and reducing greenhouse…
A short guide on getting started in your community
Fired up to start making change in your community, but don’t know where to start? Check out our short guide on 5 steps to get started.
How to make a public comment at a city meeting
Members of the public can make public comments at city meetings. These public comments are a critical way for residents to make their voices heard. We created this guide to make it easier for you to make a public comment and to engage in Sacramento’s legislative process!
Understanding the City of Sacramento’s bodies, major projects, and plans
Learn about the different City of Sacramento bodies and how to get civically engaged through the city so that you know what routes you need to take to get the change you want.
Recap of July 2023 Monthly Meeting – Missing Middle Housing and new working groups
July 6th was our last monthly meeting. We discussed Missing Middle Housing, launching new working groups, and parking in downtown.
Transparent Accounting: A Strong SacTown Priority
You can’t fix what you don’t see. Like many cities, Sacramento’s budget is complicated. Because it includes so many projects, and is funded by many different revenue sources, it’s impossible for most people to understand. This type of budgeting hides the true cost of deferred maintenance and the city’s ability to pay for basic services.…
Ending Parking Subsidies: A Strong SacTown Priority
Land is valuable in our city, and we need to make sure it’s used productively and provides value. Free storage for privately owned vehicles wastes an average of 162 sq. ft. per spot, worth around $64,800. Do you think this is a good use of our land? Cars have an important role in transportation, and…
Incremental Housing and Mixed-Use Zoning: A Strong SacTown Priority
Let’s face it, housing has been static for decades due to arbitrary zoning laws. This is one of the major causes of the homelessness crisis and skyrocketing housing costs in our city. Housing is not an investment commodity, it’s essential for our community. No neighborhood should experience radical change, but no neighborhood can be exempt…