Author: Alyssa Lee
Virtual Community Meeting on the City Street Design Standards Amendment!
Join Strong SacTown in having a big presence at the City of Sacramento’s Community Meeting on the Street Design Standards amendment. Share your values and goals for how the City designs its streets.
Parking Space Takeover for End of May is Bike Month!
SABA members will be taking over a few car parking spaces on R Street with snacks and activities to help people imagine what better uses for space could be!
June 2024 Monthly Meeting
Come join us at our June meeting at Old Soul at the Weatherstone (812 21st St)! We will be joined briefly by District 4 Councilmember Katie Valenzuela. We will also discuss the City Council Final Budget Hearing, upcoming June social events, and updates from our Streets for People project.
Action Alert: Support Safe Roadways and Oppose Fare-Free Transit Cut at May 7 City Budget Meeting
Advocate for safer roadways and supporting transit in Sacramento! The City of Sacramento’s Budget & Audit Committee will discuss a pivotal proposal for the 2024-25 Budget.
Strong SacTown Bike Ride for May is Bike Month
For May Is Bike Month, Strong SacTown will be leading a bike ride through Midtown, Old Sac and back along R Street to learn which features make Sacramento a Strong Town and which could be stronger.
SABA March Social Ride
Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA) is having their next monthly social ride on Sunday, March 24th to observe improvements to the American River Bike Trail!
April 2024 Monthly Meeting
Come join us at our April meeting at Old Soul at the Weatherstone (812 21st St)! We will be doing a small training on Tabling & Listening Skills for building trust in your community, planning tabling at the Earth Day Fair, and discussing ideas for Park(ing) Day!
City Workshop on March 14th for Community Input on 2024/25 Budget
The City is inviting community input on their Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Budget. This is an important (and unfortunately rare) chance for regular residents to ask questions, pose challenges, and offer input and solutions about how our city uses their funds.
City Workshop on March 13th for Community Input on 2024/25 Budget
The City is inviting community input on their Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Budget. This is an important (and unfortunately rare) chance for regular residents to ask questions, pose challenges, and offer input and solutions about how our city uses their funds.
Tell City Council on Mar. 12th that we support the ATC 2023 Recommendations!
ACTION ALERT! The 2023 Active Transportation Commission Recommendations are at risk of being overlooked by our City Council! These critical recommendations for funding and improving walkability, bikeability, and safety are on the City’s Consent Calendar on Tuesday, March 12th – meaning they aren’t required to be discussed by the council. We need these recommendations to…