Author: Alyssa Lee
Small Development Workshop with Incremental Development Alliance
Small scale, incremental development is a tested approach to cost-effectively preserving existing buildings, strengthening their blocks, and improving the financial fundamentals of their contexts over time. The City of Sacramento is partnering with Incremental Development Alliance to put on an 8-hour in-person class which will explain all the processes and concepts a small developer encounters…
Run with us at the SacTown Run!
Join Strong SacTown members running the 5k at the annual SacTown Run!
Tell City Council on February 18: Don’t add cars to Truxel Bridge
We need your help to stop a roadway expansion that would dig Sacramento deeper in to debt and car-dependency!
February Member Mingle + Truxel Bridge Jeopardy
Come have an after party for the Walk Audit and meet your fellow members. We will enjoy lunch at Sac City Brews, then regroup for a Truxel Bridge Jeopardy game!
March Monthly Meeting
Join our next monthly meeting on March 6! Jeff Jelsma, Transportation Planner with the City of Sacramento’s Transportation Planning Team, will be giving updates on various city plans and initiatives! As always, we will have a post-meeting hangout afterwards at Roscoe’s.
OpenStreetMap Training & Editing Party
Join our OSM Training & Editing Party to help keep Sacramento’s OpenStreetMap up to date.
311 Daylighting Walk Audit: Stockton Blvd
Are you tired of vehicles dangerously blocking your view at crosswalks? With the passage of AB 413, parking is prohibited within 20-ft of crosswalks statewide. We’re continuing our 311 Daylighting Walk Audit series, where we do a group walk of priority safety corridors and submit daylighting requests to 311.
February Monthly Meeting
Our final monthly meeting of 2024 is this week! This meeting won’t feature any speakers and will be focused on planning ahead to 2025. Invite a friend who’s ready to be part of making Sacramento an even better and thriving place for all.
Don’t add cars to Truxel Bridge – Comment on January 16
We need your help to stop a roadway expansion that would dig Sacramento deeper in to debt and car-dependency!
Support the Active Transportation Commission’s recommendations on January 7
Join us in advocating for the Active Transportation Commission’s six recommendations, which will be presented to the City Council’s Personnel & Public Employees Committee meeting this Tuesday, January 7th