March Monthly Meeting

Come join our next Monthly Meeting! This month, Jeff Jelsma, Transportation Planner with the City of Sacramento’s Transportation Planning Team, will be giving updates on the City’s Neighborhood Connections Plans and discussing upcoming work on secure bike parking.

Strong SacTown Monthly Meetings are open to the public. Anyone can join! We also always have a post-meeting hangout afterwards at Roscoe’s Bar & Burgers on 20th & K.

Date: Thursday, March 6
Time: 6 PM – 7 PM
Location: Grounded, 915 20th St, Sacramento, CA 95811


  • Bus routes 30/38/62
  • Indoors and heated
  • Wheelchair accessible venue and bathroom
  • Water and brew-your-own tea/coffee provided
  • Kitchenette with sink available
  • Bikes can be brought inside
  • Dogs allowed

Send any questions to