Excerpt from Slow Down Sacramento’s alert:
Action Alert: The 2023 Active Transportation Commission Recommendations are at risk of being overlooked by our City Council. Unlike last year’s comprehensive discussion, this year’s pivotal recommendations are slated for the consent agenda this coming Tuesday, March 12th, meaning they might pass without the robust debate and public endorsement they deserve.
Last year, over 20 community members, including young individuals who’ve experienced the dangerous conditions of our current infrastructure firsthand, spoke up for change. Their voices made a difference. This year, the recommendations are just as vital:

✨ Come to Immortal Cafe at 1111 H St between 4-4:50 PM for a “Power Hour” to prepare our public comments.
✨ Arrive at City Hall at 915 I St by 5:00 PM to complete a speaker’s slip for Item Number 5.
IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT: Please take a couple minutes ASAP (ideally by end of Monday, March 11th) to submit an ECOMMENT on the item! https://bit.ly/atc-2023-ecomment
What should you say? Here are some recommendations from our friends at House Sac:
- The council district you live in
- You care about safe streets and prioritizing walking, biking, and transit
- You support the Active Transportation Commission’s recommendations (page 8 of the report), including funding for safe street infrastructure and slowing down cars
- Request that this item be heard as a discussion item and not just on consent calendar
- Insist that the city’s Vision Zero goal is zero pedestrian deaths by 2027—and that we won’t get there without funding for infrastructure changes (deaths are higher than ever)
For more tips on making public comment, read our resource on How to make a public comment at city meetings!
Share the word on Instagram! See you at City Hall this Tuesday, March 12th!