Strong SacTown’s second Movie Night will be February 18th at 4pm in the Fruitridge Manor neighborhood! Join us and watch the 2017 documentary Citizen Jane: The Battle for the City about the “mother of urban planning,” Jane Jacobs.
Contact strongsactown@gmail.com for the address!
Bring a snack to share, if you like. Also, bring your own cup if you don’t want to use disposable.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKjkjntspfA
Recommended bus routes:
- 61 coming from the Pocket area
- 81 coming from either the Florin or 65th lightrail stations
- 51
Those of you coming to the Movie Night from the grid, let’s ride over together!
Meet at the Sac Natural Foods Co-op (the outdoor seating area on the R St side by the bike racks.) Meet at 3pm (or earlier if you’re eating lunch there), rollout around 3:15.
Recommended bike route from the central city: T St and 62nd St.
Expect rain!