The Sacramento City Council will be discussing the 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan on their council meeting agenda on Tuesdays August 8 and August 22. We need as many people as possible to come in person (preferred) or join on Zoom (next best option) and give a 2-minute public comment!
The city council meeting begins at 5 PM. If you are giving a public comment, plan to arrive by 5 PM at the latest so you have time to sign up.
Strong SacTown members will be outside City Hall at 4:45 PM to greet and help you find your way.
The council meeting will be at Sacramento City Hall at 915 I Street, between 9th & 10th St just north of I St. Walk into the courtyard between the old City Hall (facing I Street) and New City Hall (new-looking building behind it – see image below).

If you’ve never given a public comment, read our blog post on the logistics of how to do it! It is not hard but it can be confusing at first. Luckily, many members have done this before and can help you!