August Monthly Meeting

Our August 2023 monthly meeting will be on Thursday, August 3rd from 6-7 PM at Old Soul at the Weatherstone.

We’re excited to learn more about the 2040 General Plan from Long Range Planning City staff, addressing the questions you asked, and they’ll hold a brief Q&A afterwards. Afterwards, we’ll hear from a couple members of SMART about the ballot measure they’re working on to replace last year’s Measure A.

Take action today!

  1. Make a comment on the 2040 General Plan following the steps here.
  2. Mark your calendars for August 29th @ 5PM. The City Council is hearing public comment on the recommendations from the Active Transportation Commission to improve Active Transportation in Sacramento. Call in, leave a comment, or show up at city council to let City Council know we need to invest in our community, not continue subsidies for suburban sprawl.

Stay strong, and see you soon!


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