Sacramento City creates a new General Plan every 5 years that sets the direction for the city regarding all aspects of city life including: housing, transportation, air quality, urban forestry, infrastructure, and more. Related, but a separate document, the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan is the city’s blueprint for tackling climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
Right now, from April 28 through August 23rd, 2023, the City is accepting comments from the public on these two plans.

Your voice counts, even if you’re only able to read and make a comment for one section!
How to make public comment:
Pick a topic that’s interesting to you and read that section in the General Plan.
Review the proposed Goals and Policies to measure the progress of that topic. Is the wording strong enough to make sure those changes are made? Will the action have a demonstrable impact? If not, how can that section be rewritten to provide a clear direction? Can the item be improved?
If you’re feeling froggy, review the Implementing Actions at the end of the section, asking the same questions.
Write down your comments and send them to the following:
- For comments about the General Plan: – Remi Mendoza, Senior Planner
- For comments about the Climate Action & Adaptation Plan: – Vic Randall, Senior Planner
Celebrate! You just commented on a major governing document, and that’s no small accomplishment. Who knew it could be so rewarding?
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